July 27, 2024 6:15 am

Booking the night train in Egypt online is hard!

You will find it difficult to book a sleeper train in Egypt online, whether you are a seasoned internet user or a novice. This is due to the fact that the official website for Egypt’s sleeper trains is not maintained or updated.
The only method to arrange a sleeper train from Cairo to Luxor or Aswan is to include it in a tour package or contact a local person to purchase it for you in advance; otherwise, you will have to purchase the tickets yourself after you are in Egypt.

In Egypt, sleeper trains run from Cairo to Aswan or Luxor and vice versa, saving you money on a one-night hotel stay… Each wagon contains ten cabins, each with two mattresses, a cold and hot water tap, two towels, soap, two pillows, and air conditioning. When you board the train, you will discover chairs in your cabin but no beds. At 8:00, 8:30, or 9:30 p.m., the conductor will serve you a cooked supper meal of rice, meat, chicken, or fish, salads or yogurts, and vegetables, and then he will prepare your beds.

Breakfast will be given to you in the early morning before you arrive, consisting of butter, bread, cheese, jam, olives, and tea or coffee. In general, the Egyptian night train is comparable to a four-star hotel in terms of cuisine, cleanliness, and amenities. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!


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