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Cheetah in Ancient Egypt

Because, according to old Egyptian knowledge, the cheetah was a significant animal in ancient Egypt, since it was employed as a depiction of the high priest to signify his strength and might. While visiting ancient Egyptian temples, you may see a man dressed in cheetah skin standing in the midst of the people, recognizable by his powerful image supplied by the skin he wears.

Ancient Egyptian Cheetah

Due to its speed, fitness, and light muscles, the cheetah is the fastest land mammal and also the finest hunter. The cheetah is naturally equipped for hunting; with its fixed claws that are ready 24 hours a day, the cheetah is regarded as the finest hunter animal ever! The Ancient Egyptians were aware of this, and because the High Priest was the most powerful man in the political system (often even more powerful than the monarch), he was granted cheetah skin as his official dress code.

High Priest wearing a cheetah skin

The cheetah is a one-of-a-kind mammal with fixed claws. These creatures used to reside in Africa, and the cheetah is the only member of this family that has survived.

Egypt Tour Packages at their finest

Joining one of our Egyptologist tour guides is a great opportunity to learn about the ancient Egyptian temples and see the high priest figures in each one as the tour guide points out and explains every detail. Enjoy a wonderful Nile Cruise with Egypt Fun Tours by joining one of our Egypt travel packages.

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