September 16, 2024 10:24 pm

Artifacts from Tutankhamun’s Tomb

What was discovered in Tutankhamun’s Tomb?

Artifacts from Tutankhamun’s Tomb are mainly displayed in the Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

According to scientific notation, Tomb No. 62 is situated in Luxor’s Valley of the Kings on the Nile’s western bank. When it was discovered, this tomb garnered enormous worldwide recognition for its richness and valuables since it is said to be the only tomb of the ancient Egyptian rulers that was discovered with all of its contents intact and not plundered by robbers.

Howard Carter found it in 1922 under the ruins of workers’ cottages dating back to the Ramesside period. Carter was supported by an English nobleman called “Carnarvon.” The presence of King Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings was confirmed by the discovery of remains of Tutankhamen’s cartouche near the site.

The King Tutankhamun collection is significant because it is the first Royal treasure to be discovered in its whole, with 5000 items including the golden mask, three human-shaped coffins, one of which is made of pure gold, and two others made of gilded wood.

All of King Tutankhamun’s belongings were discovered in the tomb, including his garments, gold jewelry, textiles, a great number of scarabs, sculptures, incense, furniture, seats, oil lamps, toys, and war chariots.

The most significant items discovered in Tutankhamun’s tomb are:

1. Tutankhamun’s Golden Mask

Tutankhamun Golden Mask
Tutankhamun’s Golden Mask

Tutankhamun’s mask, also known as the king’s death mask, is composed of solid gold and weighs roughly 10.23 kg. It is inlaid with valuable stones.

2. Tutankhamun’s Golden Shrine

Tutankhamun's golden shrine - Egypt Fun Tours
Tutankhamun’s Golden Shrine – Artifacts from Tutankhamun’s tomb

King Tutankhamun’s particular shrine is one of the most significant items discovered within the tomb. The shrine is coated in gold and housed the four canopic jars used to preserve Tutankhamun’s inner viscera.

The highest section of this shrine is adorned with a frost of golden heads of the ancient Egyptians’ holy cobra snake. Four goddesses surround the shrine: Isis, Nephthys, Selekt, and Neith. The intestines, liver, lungs, and stomach are encased by ingredients to preserve them in the shrine’s four canopic jars.

It follows the deceased’s mummy to the other world, and each of the four alabaster bowls has a cover etched in the shape of one of Horus’ sons’ heads, and the entrails are preserved in them. Tutankhamun’s canopic jars, on the other hand, are topped with his head.

3. King Tutankhamun’s Golden Coffin

Golden Coffin of King Tutankhamun
Tutankhamun’s Golden Coffin – Egypt Fun Tours

The king’s mummy was discovered within a pure gold coffin, inside two additional wooden coffins coated in gold pieces, all set inside a granite sarcophagus, and kept inside four wooden coffins inlaid with gold foil.

4. Statue of God Anubis

Statue of God Anubis - Egypt Fun Tours
Statue of God Anubis – Tutankhamun’s Collection

Anubis god plays a part in burial ceremonies, and a statue in the shape of Anubis sitting (Anubis was assuming the form of a jackal) was discovered inside the tomb of Tutankhamun, tinted in black and coated with a gold coating, and connected to a moveable chair box.

5. Ushabti Statues

Ushabti statues from Tutankhamun's tomb artifacts - Egypt Fun Tours
Ushabti statues from Tutankhamun’s tomb artifacts – Egypt Fun Tours

(Uchabtis), which are instances of pharaoh’s slaves after death, and 400 tiny sculptures were discovered in Tutankhamun’s tomb.

6. The Alabaster Casket

Tutankhamun's alabaster Casket
Tutankhamun’s alabaster Casket

It is a casket made of alabaster with two strands of hair discovered within the tomb that belonged to King Tutankhamun.

7. Tutanhamun’s Chair

King Tutankhamun's Chair
King Tutankhamun’s Chair

King Tutankhamun’s chair, crafted of ebony wood and inlaid with ivory.

8. Gloves of King Tutankhamun

Tutankhamun's Gloves - Egypt Fun Tours
Tutankhamun’s Gloves – Egypt Fun Tours

A glove for the king was discovered, and the king’s fingers were covered with borrowed gold and silver fingers, as well as a clog (sandals) made of pure gold, all of which were rare artifacts for the dead, who was regarded sacrosanct.

9. Tutankhamun’s Boats

Tutankhamun's boat Model - Egypt Fun Tours
Tutankhamun’s boat Model – Egypt Fun Tours

They discovered 35 boats of all shapes and sizes, all pointing west, in the hopes that one of them would change into a genuine boat and take the departed on his trip to eternity.

10. Tutankhamun’s Black Leopard

Tutankhamun's Black Leopard - Egypt Fun Tours
Tutankhamun’s Black Leopard – Egypt Fun Tours

King Tutankhamun’s golden statue was discovered on top of a black leopard crossing the land of death into eternity. This black leopard had golden eyes that allowed it to see in the dark and was a symbol of the other world.

11. Tutankhamun’s wishing Cup

Tutankhamun's Wishing Cup - Egypt Fun Tours
Tutankhamun’s Wishing Cup – Egypt Fun Tours

The first artifact discovered within the tomb once it was uncovered is the Wishing Cup. It is shaped like an open lotus blossom and is made of alabaster.

12. Tutankhamun walking sticks

Tutankhamun's Walking Sticks - Egypt Fun Tours
Tutankhamun’s Walking Sticks – Egypt Fun Tours

Many walking sticks were discovered in Tutankhamun’s tomb. His walking poles are adorned with representations of Egypt’s enemies and slaves from the upper part of the stick. A stick of them serves as a pocket for the king’s sharp weapon. It’s worth mentioning that King Tutankhamun required the sticks due to an injury to his leg.

13. Tutankhamun’s Golden Throne

Tutankhamun's Golden Throne - Egypt Fun Tours
Tutankhamun’s Golden Throne – Egypt Fun Tours

His golden throne, which is extremely detailed and painted with a romantic depiction of the king and his wife, is one of the most magnificent objects discovered in the king’s tomb. The names of the pharaoh are held on the chair’s sides by the two guardian women of Upper and Lower Egypt, the vulture, and the cobra snake, respectively, while the Sema Tawi sign can be seen in the lower section of the chair’s sides and back. To protect the king, the chair’s legs are adorned to look like lioness legs, and the upper section of each side is decorated with a lioness’ head.

14. Tutankhamun’s Golden Wreath

Tutankhamun’s Golden Wreath - Egypt Fun Tours
Tutankhamun’s Golden Wreath

Inside King Tutankhamun’s tomb, a lovely wreath was discovered. On the forehead of the wreath are the heads of the Vulture and the cobra snake to protect the king.

15. Tutankhamun’s Life-like Statues

Tutankhamun's Life-like Statues - Egypt Fun Tours
Tutankhamun’s Life-like Statues – Egypt Fun Tours

Two life-size sculptures of King Tutankhamun were discovered at his burial chamber’s entrance. The monarch is shown in a highly strong picture to deter tomb robbers away from his burial chamber, while the two sculptures were painted black to represent the mummy’s hue. The only difference between the two sculptures is the king’s headdress.

16. Tutankhamun’s Boomerang

Tutankhamun's Boomerang - Egypt Fun Tours
Tutankhamun’s Boomerang – Egypt Fun Tours

King Tutankhamun’s Boomerangs with gold points at either end were discovered in his tomb, indicating that they were known in Egypt in the second millennium B.C.E.

17. Cow Goddess Head

Head of Cow Goddess - Tutankhamun's Artifacts
Head of Cow Goddess – Tutankhamun’s Artifacts

Inside King Tutankhamun’s tomb, a gilded wooden head of a cow deity was discovered. This head most likely belongs to Hathor, the cow goddess. Some academics say this head belongs to another goddess named “Mehit Weret” since the sun disc that used to be on Hathor’s head has vanished.

Useful links:

Deluxe Tours in Egypt

Egypt World Heritage Sites Tours


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